Women of Hermanson: Proud supporters of upcoming film Hard Hatted Woman

Nov 13, 2020 | Source: Hermanson Marketing | Women of Hermanson

The Women of Hermanson are supporting the upcoming industry film Hard Hatted Woman!

This highly anticipated film is estimated to be finished with editing by Fall 2021 and will be submitted to various film festivals, including the Sundance Film Festival in January 2022.

Hard Hatted Woman is the first feature-length documentary to tell the story of women breaking down gender barriers in blue-collar construction trades. For decades, women have fought for equal access to these high-paying careers, but the industry remains 97% male-dominated. The film follows five women as they boldly pursue their own personal and economic empowerment through careers in the trades, taking the viewer into the grit and intensity of construction sites and creating powerful and intimate portraits of the women who choose this work. It reveals the challenges they face, their pride and passion for the work, and the enduring fight of the tradeswomen movement to redefine the industry and change the face of construction.”

For more information on the film, visit www.hardhattedwoman.com